
Monday, December 3, 2012

October 6, 2012

Becca posted a picture of her group on Facebook today.  I don't know where they were off to all dressed up, but they certainly look nice!  I can't believe that she's graduating soon. 

October 5, 2012

Hannah's thrilled that it's cool enough for her to wear her Burke jacket to school today!  We're all ready for a some fall temps.

October 4, 2012

Hannah finally got an All Academic Cross Country Team award this year at the Metro cross country meet.  She's always had the grades for the award, but to qualify, she had to run in Varsity the previous year at the Metro meet.  Freshman and Sophomore years she ran JV at Metros, so she didn't get the award until this year, (She ran Varsity at Metro last year and this year.)  As you can see, she's pretty happy about it!

October 3, 2012

Emma wasn't feeling good today, so I made her special soup in a Pooh mug and grilled cheese for dinner. She got to eat in the recliner and use Hannah's favorite pillow.  I'm pretty sure she felt better by the time she was finished!

October 2, 2012

Susan Fox and I hosted the team dinner tonight for the metro cross country meet.  Almost all of the girls came to eat.  We had plenty of food, but almost ran out of chairs! 

October 1, 2012

Joe got a big splinter stuck in his foot this morning (walking on the deck barefoot).  I had to use a big needle to try and dig it out.  I finally managed to get it out of his foot.  He almost passed out while I was working on it--but as you can see, he was very brave!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

September 30, 2012

It is Kelsey Joseph's last day as Youth Director at Holy Cross.  All of the youth joined Pastor Jim in blessing her as she leaves for her new job with Lutheran Outdoor Ministries.  We'll miss her.

September 29, 2012

Suzi, Joe, Mom and I went to the Iowa homecoming game today in Iowa City.  It was a warm day and I got a sunburn, but the Hawks won!  Hopefully they'll win the next time we see them play--in November against Nebraska.

September 28, 2012

Emma is spending a long weekend in Grinnell with her friends Abby, Carly and Scott.  They had fun at the apple orchard this afternoon.  Too bad she can't be with them more often.

September 27, 2012

Emma is taking advantage of our Indian Summer today and getting a little bit of sun by the pool.  The water is a little cold for swimming but the sun feels good on the deck.

September 26, 2012

I think Hannah's freaking out a little about her homework tonight!  Actually I'm not quite sure what she's doing here, probably making a face at me while I tried to get a POTD. (Picture Of The Day)

September 25, 2012

We know that it's gotten cooler out when Teddy curls up on the couch in the evenings.  He looks so much smaller when he's resting like this.

September 24, 2012

Becca's friend Laura posted this cute picture on facebook today.  She labeled it "accidental matching problem."  Too funny.

September 23, 2012

Emma needed a patient to practice her EMT skills on tonight.  Joe was a convincing victim.

September 22, 2012

Joe is all decked out in his Hawkeye gear for today's game.  Here he's celebrating a touchdown for the Hawks.  Too bad they didn't win the game but we'll always cheer them on.

September 21, 2012

Friday of Homecoming week is always class colors day.  Hannah finally gets to wear Senior Black.

September 20, 2012

The 1990's wasn't as easy as the other days.  Hannah went with the grunge look.  She and Jessie have matching attitudes in this picture!

September 19, 2012

Hannah is pretty in pink for the 1980's.  We had such fun giving her big hair this morning!

September 18, 2012

Hannah knows how to peace out for the 1970's.

September 17, 2012

It's spirit week for Homecoming at Burke.  The theme this year is 50 years at Burke.  Monday is the 1960's -- Scooby Doo characters.  Hannah makes a pretty cute Velma. 

September 16, 2012

Hannah finished smashing her junior year this afternoon.  Her book turned out really well.  She already has a new book for senior year.  What a fun keepsake--and some of my scrapbooking supplies are actually getting used!

September 15, 2012

Hannah and I went to Hobby Lobby tonight to pick up some paints.  When we got into the car to head home, I turned the key and...nothing!  Hannah's car needed a new battery.  Luckily Joe was home so he came over with MaryKay and gave us a jump so we could drive home.  I'm glad that didn't happen when Hannah was by herself somewhere.  I guess that's why we have AAA.

September 14, 2012

And they're off...Hannah and her teammate, Lauren, are looking pretty intense at the start of the Norfolk Invite.  I didn't want to miss any of Hannah's meets for her senior year, so I drove to Norfolk this afternoon to watch the teams run. 

September 13, 2012

Joe isn't feeling too well today--he decided to call in sick, but of course, he is working from home.

September 12, 2012

We have a big bulletin board outside of our new classroom at school this year.  We decided that the kids should make paper plate owls for our "Learning is a Hoot" theme.  SO cute!

September 11, 2012

Emma's ready for class (except for tucking her shirt in) tonight.  She has to wear the EMT outfit, including shoes, for every class.  The instructors want them to get used to working in it.  It's not too bad except for the color of the shirt--pre-faded black just doesn't do anything for her!

September 10, 2012

It's early Monday morning and Hannah's off for another busy week at school.  As least this year she doesn't have to carry all of her books with her everyday so her backpack isn't quite as heavy as some years.

September 9, 2012

Dexter has started going outside this fall.  He mainly stays on the deck, but has ventured down into the grass occasionally.  He hasn't figured out how to "ask" to come back in yet, so sometimes we find him gazing longingly into the house.  Just like the dogs, his favorite activity seems to be going out, then coming in, then going out...

September 8, 2012

The Burke girls won the Central Cross Country Invite this morning.  Burke has won this meet for the past five years.  Hannah finished fourth in the Varsity race.

September 7, 2012

I had to tease Hannah this morning about her "Breakfast of Champions"-a pudding cup and deli ham!  Bill Cosby would approve.

September 6, 2012

It's finally cooled down a little!  We might have to turn on the heat soon. Yay!!  I'm so ready for some cooler fall weather.

September 5, 2012

Hannah's serious about getting a good grade on her AP Chemistry test this year!  Actually she asked Joe to get her the study guide and he didn't know which one she wanted, so he got all three!  (He returned two of them later.)

September 4, 2012

Emma started her EMT class tonight.  She's excited about the class but nervous about driving to the campus.  Joe gave her a ride tonight since she's never been there and it's a little hard to find.  She enjoyed the class but it's long! (5-10pm)

Monday, September 3, 2012

September 3, 2012

It's Emma's last day life guarding at Champion's Run pool tonight.  It's too bad that it's so hot and humid tonight.  It'll be busy and they usually have a party the last night.  Em's so ready to be done with that job.

September 2, 2012

So today I spent a lot of hours on the phone.  I talked to Suzi, Mom and Becca.  Then I had to recharge my phone (and myself).

September 1, 2012

Emma's friend, Carly came to visit this weekend.  She is from St. Louis but will be at Grinnell again this year for an internship.  She and Emma went to the zoo, the Old Market, did some shopping and hung out at our house. 

August 31, 2012

We had a great view of the Blue Moon.  It was huge! 

August 30, 2012

I'll take one of each, please!  It was a long, tough day at school today--good thing it's a short night at B&S.  I actually left without buying anything but Joe did make me a Moscow Mule when I got home.

August 29, 2012

Man, I'm already tired of making lunches for work!  It's only been a week and I'm thinking, "what!  I have to make another lunch!"  Good thing we both like leftovers, but sometimes there's nothing left!

August 28, 2012

"Please play with me!"  Jessie has been a little needy since we went back to school and Becca left.  Poor puppy. 

August 27, 2012

Hannah's looking a little crazy about her homework tonight!  Actually, she was already finished, just being silly.

August 26, 2012

We took one more "selfie" group picture before heading back to Omaha--we drove to Decorah from Iowa City this morning, unloaded Becca's things, went for lunch then to Walmart for last minute things and perishables.  After another quick stop at Becca's for a few pictures and hugs, Emma, Hannah and I hit the road.  It was only 1:30!  Woohoo we make it home by 7:15.  What a lot of driving this weekend--and tomorrow it's back to work.

August 25, 2012

Emma, Hannah and I are taking Becca back to Luther tomorrow.  We drove to Iowa City today to see Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Suz.  We all went out to eat at Steak and Shake (Becca's choice)  then played Yahtzee and talked and laughed. 

August 24, 2012

It was Becca's last day at Player's Club pool today.  She is hoping to be at a "real job" next summer.  She's been life guarding every summer since freshman year, I think.  It'll be odd to see her without that swimmer tan next summer!

August 23, 2012

Joe had to move the furniture yesterday to shampoo the carpets so Emma had a comfy spot to eat her bagel in the kitchen this morning!  She and Becca did move all the furniture back today since the carpets were dry.  This recliner did block the flow through the kitchen a bit!

August 22, 2012

We had a crazy night last night!  Joe, Hannah and I all woke up at 3am to a terrible smell.  At first it smelled like something was burning, then it changed to smell like a skunk was burning.  It turned out that Teddy had gotten sprayed by a skunk then he came into the house and rolled all over trying to get it off of his face, head and back!  Joe had to take the day off to clean carpets and get Teddy to a groomer.  They used a special treatment on him twice and he still smells!  Poor buddy.  They did a great job of grooming him and said he was a prefect gentleman--too bad he didn't remember that when he saw the skunk last night!

August 21, 2012

Hannah is excited to start her senior year today.  This year Burke has block scheduling, so she only has half of her classes today and half tomorrow.  It's like having two first days! 

August 20, 2012

Well, my summer is over...

August 19, 2012

Joe was making fun of me for taking a picture of a picture on the computer screen.  But we are trying to narrow down Hannah's senior pictures and it's easier if we can look at them using Picasa.  I'm not able to copy them from the website, so this is the solution that I came up with.  It works well enough, the quality isn't great, but we can at least zoom in and compare two pictures side by side.

August 18, 2012

Hannah ran in the time trials for cross country this morning.  She came in first!  The first meet is in two weeks, hopefully she'll have a good run that morning too.  (She is at the far right in this picture, second from the end in a blue shirt.)